Prayer Challenge

Day 2 Prayer Challenge

Day 2

Pray for his spiritual discipline.
Pray for your husband’s devotion to spiritual discipline. Pray for
consistent study of Scripture, memorization of the Word, and other
spiritual disciplines like prayer, tithing, fasting, etc. Pray he would not be
discouraged in his pursuit of God but would run the race of faith with
endurance all his life.
Here are the verses we are to pray over him today:

Dear Lord,

Please Lord help my husband run the race of faith with you. Please help him when he gets discouraged, when it seems the road is just an uphill battle for him. Help him when he needs to make those decision on tithing, fasting prayer. Help him strengthen his faith and his resolve to do them. Please help him to study your word to put it in his heart and to keep it there. Help him to memorize scripture, and daily devotions for himself Lord.



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